Our comprehensive episode guide offers summaries of each episode and details the themes encountered, along with the characters featured in each episode in order of their appearance, making it easy for parents to find episodes with your child’s favorite characters. View some full episodes and video clips from the Official Peppa Pig YouTube channel, along with links to own your own full-length episodes from eOne On Demand.
Series One
Episode 1: Muddy Puddles
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
It’s raining and Peppa and George can’t play outside. When it stops raining, Peppa and George go outside to play. Peppa Pig loves jumping in muddy puddles. Mummy Pig tells Peppa that she must wear her boots if she jumps in muddy puddles. George likes jumping in muddy puddles too, but Peppa tells him he must wear his boots too. Peppa and George find more puddles for jumping, big puddles and little puddles. Peppa and George jump in so many puddles, they are covered in mud. They show Daddy and he cleans them up before Mummy sees the mess. Mummy, Daddy, George and Peppa are wearing their boots and go outside to play in the garden. Everyone loves jumping up and down in muddy puddles.
Manners, Sibling Love, Playtime, Puddle Jumping
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig
Episode 2: Mr. Dinosaur Is Lost
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
George’s favorite toy is Mr. Dinosaur. Sometimes he tries to scare Peppa with Mr. Dinosaur. George loves Mr. Dinosaur, he eats supper with him, baths with him and sleeps with Mr. Dinosaur. Peppa and Daddy Pig play draughts when George bursts in upset. Mr. Dinosaur has gone missing! Daddy Pig teaches Peppa to be a detective to look for him in the bath, bed and garden. Together they find Mr. Dinosaur in the tree and George is so happy to have his favorite toy back.
Toys, Supper, Manners, Dress Ups, Playtime
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig
Episode 3: Best Friend
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Alison Snowden
Peppa is waiting for her best friend, Suzy Sheep. The door bell chimes and Suzy Sheep has come over to play. Peppa and Suzy. Peppa and Suzy love playing in Peppa’s bedroom. George wants to play too, but Peppa and Suzy are having fun playing on their own. Peppa dresses up as a fairy princess. George feels left out and wants to play too, so Mummy Pig asks him to help make cookies. Suzy dresses up as a nurse and Peppa is a doctor and they ask George to be their patient. Suzy and Peppa love playing doctors and nurses and so does George. Daddy Pig plays along and pays a visit to patient George while Mummy Pig brings him cookies to make him feel better and everybody enjoys eating the cookies.
Friendship, Dress Ups, Playtime
Peppa Pig, Suzy Sheep, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 4: Polly Parrot
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and the family are visiting Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig. Granny Pig has a surprise… a new pet! Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig have a pet parrot called, Polly. Polly Parrot repeats everything that Granny Pig says. It’s tea time and everyone has some chocolate cake. Peppa and George quickly eat their chocolate cake so they can go back and play with Polly Parrot. Peppa says ‘hello’ and Polly says ‘hello’ back. They laugh and Polly laughs too! Peppa and George have lots of fun and pretend to be parrots. The family return and everyone has lots of fun and giggles with Poly Parrot.
Manners, Pets, Grandparents
Peppa Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, George Pig, Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig, Polly Parrot
Episode 5: Hide and Seek
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Peppa and George are playing hide and seek. It’s George’s turn to hide while Peppa is counting. George hides and Peppa quickly finds where George is hiding. It’s now Peppa’s turn to hide and Mummy Pig helps George to count. George tries to find where Peppa is hiding, but can’t find Peppa, so Daddy Pig gives George a hint to look upstairs. After lots of seeking, George finally finds where Peppa is hiding. When it’s George’s turn to hide again, Daddy Pig helps him hide. Peppa can’t find him anywhere, when suddenly George pops out behind Daddy Pig’s newpaper much to Peppa’s surprise.
Games, Playtime, Siblings
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig
Episode 6: The Playgroup
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George are going to the playgroup and it’s George’s first day. Peppa wonders if George might be too small to go to her playgroup. Daddy says that Peppa and Mr. Dinosaur will keep George company, but Peppa seems hesitant yet agrees. Madame Gazelle welcomes George and the children are excited to see George. When Peppa sees their enthusiasm, Peppa is proud of her brother. Peppa teaches George how to paint a flower, but he paints a dinosaur instead. It’s home time and Peppa asks Madame Gazelle if George can come next time to which she agrees and everyone is happy.
Playgroup, Siblings, Friends, Changes
Daddy Pig, George Pig, Peppa Pig, Madame Gazelle, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, Candy Cat, Pedro Pony, Mrs Cat, Mrs Sheep, Granddad Dog, Mrs Rabbit, Mrs Pony
Episode 7: Mummy Pig at Work
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Mummy Pig is working on her computer, while Daddy Pig is making soup for lunch. Peppa and George go and watch Mummy Pig working on her computer. Mummy has a lot of work to do and she tells Peppa and George that they mustn’t touch the computer. Peppa shows George how he mustn’t touch the computer and it breaks. Daddy Pig fixes the computer while Mummy finishes preparing the meal. Peppa, George and Daddy play Happy Mrs Chicken on the computer and Mummy goes to see what all the excitement is about and joins in on the laughter.
Work, Play, Computer Games
Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig
Episode 8: Piggy in the Middle
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
George is playing with his ball in the garden. Peppa wants to play too and shows George how to catch a ball. George runs away with the ball and Peppa chases after him and takes the ball, teasing George. Mummy Pig steps in and shows them how to play Piggy in the Middle to teach George how to catch. George catches the ball and they celebrate. They continue to play and when it’s George’s turn to be Piggy in the Middle he is too small and Peppa teases George and makes him cry. Peppa apologises and Daddy Pig comes to George’s rescue, giving him an advantage and lifting him up on his shoulders. Peppa is upset and Mummy Pig gives her a helping had too. Everyone has fun and loves catching the ball.
Playtime, Sports, Teasing, Apology
George Pig, Peppa Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 9: Daddy Loses his Glasses
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Daddy Pig wears glasses to see clearly. Peppa and George are playing ball outside when Mummy Pig comes out to ask if they have seen Daddy Pig’s glasses, but Peppa and George don’t know where Daddy’s glasses are. Without his glasses, Daddy Pig cannot see anything. Peppa and George try to help and find Daddy’s glasses, but they can’t find them anywhere. Daddy gets up off the chair and Peppa spots his glasses on the chair. Daddy Pig was sitting on them all the time!
Eyesight, Lost and Found, Helpfulness
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig
Episode 10: Gardening
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George are playing at Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig’s house. Grandpa is planting seeds in the garden and teaches Peppa and George how the plants in the garden grow from little seeds. Peppa helps by planting strawberry seeds, watering them and waiting for them to grow, but Grandpa tells Peppa it takes some time for them to grow into plants. It’s time for Peppa and George to go home. While they’re away Grandpa Pig looks after Peppa’s strawberry plant and the plant grows bigger and bigger until one day it has grown strawberries. Peppa and George have returned to play and they eat the strawberries they planted. George attempts to grow a dinosaur and everyone laughs!
Growing, Gardening, Patience
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Grandpa Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Granny Pig
Episode 11: Hiccups
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
The family are having breakfast. Peppa and George want to go outside to play in the garden, so they eat their breakfast quickly. George drank his juice too quickly and gets hiccups. Everyone laughs! Peppa and George go outside to play, but George still has the hiccups. Peppa tries to help George cure his hiccups, but nothing works. Peppa scares George to stop his hiccups and he gets upset and cries, but finally his hiccups are gone. Daddy Pig brings juice for Peppa and George. Peppa drinks her juice quickly to prove that she is bigger and won’t get hiccups, but starts hiccuping too! Everyone giggles and Peppa hiccups!
Mealtime, Hiccups, Scaring
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 12: Bicycles
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Sarah Ann Kennedy
Peppa and George are riding their bicycles. Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are in the garden admiring the pumpkin Daddy’s grown and very proud of. Peppa and George find Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep and Rebecca Rabbit riding their bicycles too. Danny suggests a race to the pumpkin, but Peppa warns they need to be careful. Peppa’s friends are all riding without stabilisers. Peppa wants to try and ride without them too and asks Daddy to remove the stabilisers. Peppa has difficulty riding at first, but Daddy helps her and she can ride on her own. Peppa shows her friends and suggests a race to the pumpkin. Peppa isn’t watching where she is going and crashes, landing on Daddy Pig’s pumpkin. Daddy announces that he will make pumpkin pie for everyone!
Bike Riding, Stabilisers, Training Wheel, Safety, Accidents
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep, Rebecca Rabbit
Episode 13: Secrets
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Ange Palethorpe
Mummy Pig has made a special box for Peppa. It’s a secret box for Peppa to keep secret things in. Peppa shows George her box and tell him he can’t know what’s inside because it’s a secret box. Peppa chooses some secret things to put into her box. George thinks there’s a dinosaur in Peppa’s box! Peppa shows Daddy her box and he tries to guess too, but can’t guess. Peppa finds Mummy with George who has his own secret box with secrets inside too. Peppa doesn’t like secrets as much as she used to, so they agree to show each other one secret each from their boxes. George has a drum and a custard doughnut, but Peppa only has a trumpet. Mummy Pig has custard doughnuts for everybody!
Secrets, Guessing Games
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 14: Flying a Kite
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
It’s a sunny day and Peppa and her family are in the park and are going to fly a kite. George is going to fly the kite first. He runs as fast as he can, but the kite won’t fly. Peppa takes over, running as fast as she can, but the kite still won’t fly. Daddy says that the kite needs wind to fly and they just have to wait for some wind. The wind picks up and the kite can now fly. In fact the wind is so strong it picks up Peppa and George, so Daddy takes over flying the kite. The kite gets caught in a tree. Daddy Pig climbs the tree to rescue the kite and falls out of the tree and into a big muddy puddle. Everyone gets covered in mud, so Peppa and George jump up and down in the muddy puddle with Mummy and Daddy. Jumping up and down in muddy puddles is just as much fun as flying the kite!
Kite Flying, Wind, Danger, Fun
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 15: Picnic
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
It’s a bright and sunny day and Peppa and her family are going out for a picnic. Daddy is bringing the picnic basket. Everybody eats and enjoys the picnic. Peppa spots a duck pond, so Peppa and George feed the ducks the leftover bread. Peppa and George run out of bread, but the ducks are still hungry and join the family’s picnic. Everybody has some strawberry cake and Peppa promises the leftovers to the ducks. A wasp comes along and scares Mummy Pig, but then chases Daddy Pig all around, giving him lots of exercise. Mummy, Peppa and George eat all their cake and realise they have none left for the ducks. When Daddy returns he still has his cake, which Peppa offers to the ducks. Lucky ducks!
Food, Exercise, Fear
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig
Episode 16: Musical Instruments
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have been tidying the house and have found a box full of musical instruments in the attic. Mummy plays the violin and Peppa and George try to play it too, but it doesn’t sound right. Daddy gives Peppa a tin drum to play and she plays it well. Daddy plays his old accordian and George tries to play it too, but can’t. Peppa tries to play a horn but can’t blow hard enough and neither can Mummy or Daddy. Mummy is playing the violin, Daddy is playing the accordian and Peppa is playing the drum. Suddenly the horn sounds and George is playing it! They all play together and march around the garden having lots of fun.
Music, Strengths, Weaknesses
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig
Episode 17: Frogs and Worms and Butterflies
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George are helping Grandpa Pig in his garden. A beautiful buterfly flies around them and Grandpa teaches them why butterflies like flowers. Peppa is playing and pretending to be a butterfly. George wants to play too. Peppa suggests George be a wiggly worm. George is upset and doesn’t want to be a worm. Grandpa Pig shows George how easy it is to be a worm and they have lots of fun pretending to be worms. Peppa wants to join in and be a wiggly worm too. Suddenly a little frog hops on by and Peppa and George pretend to be frogs that love jumping in muddy puddles.
Role Play, Playtime
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Grandpa Pig
Episode 18: Dressing Up
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George are playing in Mummy and Daddy’s bedroom, jumping up and down on the bed. Peppa finds a box of old clothes. Peppa and George dress up and pretend to be Mummy and Daddy. George dresses in Daddy’s hat, coat and shoes. Peppa dresses in Mummy’s dress, hat and shoes. Peppa finds Mummy’s makeup box and makes herself beautiful. Peppa and George are all dressed up and visit Mummy who’s working on her computer. Peppa enjoys pretending to be Mummy Pig. Peppa and George visit Daddy Pig in the garden and George helps Daddy dig a hole. Mummy Pig brings out ice cream for everyone. Peppa and George are still pretending to be Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. When Mummy announces she has Peppa and George’s favorite ice cream, they quickly remove their dress up clothes and reveal themselves.
Dress Ups, Role Play, Playtime
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 19: New Shoes
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George have been playing in the garden. When they go inside, Daddy Pig asks where Peppa’s shoes are? Peppa has lost her shoes. The family looks for them everywhere, but can’t find Peppa’s shoes. Mummy Pig says they’ll buy her a new pair. Mummy Pig and Peppa visit Miss Rabbit’s shoe shop. Miss Rabbit finds Peppa some new red shoes. Daddy Pig and George are playing draughts when Peppa arrives home to show off her new red shoes. Peppa loves her new red shoes so much she doesn’t want to take them off. Peppa baths in her new shoes, brushes her teeth in them and goes to bed with her new shoes on. It’s been raining and the garden is very wet, so everyone goes outside wearing their boots, except for Peppa who is still wearing her new red shoes. Peppa is unable to play in the wet and jump in muddy puddles with George, Mummy and Daddy in her new shoes. Peppa takes off her new shoes and puts on her boots so she can jump in muddy puddles too!
Lost Shoes, Shopping
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Granddad Dog, Danny Dog, Mummy Cat, Candy Cat, Miss Rabbit
Episode 20: The School Fete
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
It’s the school fete and Peppa loves coming to the fete. Peppa’s friends are all here – Suzy Sheep, Candy Cat, Pedro Pony, Rebecca Rabbit and Danny Dog. Miss Rabbit has painted Peppa’s friends as tigers and Peppa and George gets their face painted as tigers too. Candy Cat teaches them all how to be tigers. Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and the children visit Madame Gazelle to get balloons for all the children. All the children get balloons, but George wants a dinosaur and Madame Gazelle doesn’t have one. Daddy Pig makes a dinosaur balloon just for George. Next they visit Grandad Dog and the bouncy castle and bounce together. Everyone loves bouncing on the bouncy castle!
Fete, Face Painting, Bouncing, Fun
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Suzy Sheep, Candy Cat, Pedro Pony, Rebecca Rabbit, Danny Dog, Miss Rabbit, Madame Gazelle, Grandad Dog
Episode 21: Mummy Pig’s Birthday
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
It’s Mummy Pig’s birthday and Daddy Pig has made Mummy Pig breakfast in bed. Peppa and George have made her a birthday card. Daddy Pig has made a surprise birthday cake for Mummy and the family don’t want her to see it. Peppa gets Mummy Pig to go for a walk while they prepare the decorations in the sitting room. Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig have arrived for Mummy Pig’s birthday. Peppa lets Mummy Pig come back inside and they surprise Mummy with the cake and decorations. Mummy Pig opens her present and finds a beautiful dress. Daddy Pig gives her two tickets to the theater for tonight and while they’re away Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig will babysit Peppa and George. Everyone is happy and Mummy Pig has a super birthday!
Birthday, Surprises, Presents, Grandparents
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig
Episode 22: The Tooth Fairy
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George are having their favourite food… spaghetti! After eating, Peppa’s tooth has fallen out! Mummy Pig reassure Peppa is not to worry, it’s normal and the tooth fairy will pay a visit if Peppa puts the tooth under her pillow tonight. The tooth fairy will take the tooth and leave a shiney coin. It’s time for bed and Peppa and George brush their teeth. Peppa declares that she’s not going to sleep, she’s going to stay up all night and see the tooth fairy. Peppa falls asleep and the tooth fairy arrives. In the morning, Peppa awakes to find a coin, hooray!
Mealtime, Tooth Fairy, Brushing Teeth
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 23: The New Car
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and the family are going for a drive in the family car. Daddy Pig puts the roof down on the red car and they start driving on their way. Suddenly the car doesn’t sounds right so they take the car to Granddad Dog’s garage. Granddad Dog can fix the car but it’s going to take all day, so he gives them a new blue car to borrow while he fixes the car. The new blue car has lots of buttons. It starts to rain and Daddy Pig doesn’t know which button puts the roof up and tries lots of them but fails to put the roof up. Finally Mummy Pig presses the red button and the roof comes up again. They arrive back to the garage and Granddad dog has fixed their car. Peppa’s family drives home with lots of fun, giggles and laughter.
New and Old, Trying New Things, Driving
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Granddad Dog
Episode 24: Treasure Hunt
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are making a treasure hunt for Peppa and George. Granny Pig draws the treasure map and Grandpa Pig buries the treasure chest in a secret place in the garden. Peppa and her family arrive. Granny and Grandpa Pig announce they have made a treasure hunt and Peppa and George have to find the treasure. Peppa has difficulty reading the treasure map, but she finds the first clue with a message in a bottle that tells them to follow the arrows. George finds the arrows and they follow them to a key. Peppa and George need to find the treasure chest that it unlocks. Peppa finds the location of the treasure on the map an Daddy Pig digs up the treasure. Peppa opens the chest and they find gold chocolate coins for everybody. Hooray!
Treasure Hunt, Map, Clues, Treasure
Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig, Peppa, George, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig
Episode 25: Not Very Well
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have made breakfast for Peppa and George. Peppa has red spots on her face and doesn’t feel very well. Daddy Pig phones Doctor Brown Bear and he is on his way around to check up on Peppa. Peppa is in bed when Doctor Brown Bear arrives. The doctor says that Peppa will be fine and diagnoses a rash. He provides Peppa with medicine and instructions to stay in bed. Peppa phones Suzy Sheep to see if she will visit her. Suzy Sheep has come to visit Peppa and is wearing her nurses outfit. She has brought along Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit too and Peppa seems to enjoy being cared for by her friends. Doctor Brown Bear arrives and notes that Peppa’s spots have disappeared, but Peppa thinks he should stay in bed. Daddy Pig suggests they go and play a game of ball in the garden and Peppa recovers immediately.
Sickness, Doctors, Medicine
Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, George Pig, Peppa Pig, Doctor Brown Bear, Mrs Sheep, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit
Episode 26: Snow
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
It’s snowing and Peppa and George are very excited to go and play outside. It’s very cold so Peppa and George must wear their hats, scarves, and gloves. Peppa and George make footprints in the snow. Peppa makes a snowball and throws it at George and then George makes a snowball and throws it at Peppa. They are having lots of fun. Peppa makes a giant snowball and throws it at George and he starts to cry and Peppa apologises. They decide to build a snowman. George gets a hat, scarf and gloves for the snowman. They call Mummy and Daddy to show off their snowman. Daddy Pig is very cold. The snowman is wearing his hat, scarf and gloves!
Snow, Apology, Snowman
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 27: Windy Castle
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Peppa and her family are going to Windy Castle for the day. Daddy Pig is reading the map, while Mummy Pig drives the car, but Mummy doesn’t think that’s a good idea. On the way to Windy Castle, they play a game of I Spy. Suddenly Mummy Pig realises they are lost and phones Granny and Grandpa Pig for directions. Peppa spots Windy Castle and they soon arrive. They all go inside and admire the view from the top and can see Granny and Grandpa and their house. Mummy Pig phones them so they can wave to them.
Driving, Maps, Phone, Sightseeing, Grandparents
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Grandpa Pig, Granny Pig
Episode 28: My Cousin Chloé
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Peppa and George are playing in the garden when Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig announce that cousin Cloe is coming to visit. Chloé arrives and wants to play a game. Peppa suggests a game of catch but Chloé declares it’s a game for little children. Peppa is ‘it’ and has to catch Chloé and George. Chloé helps George because he’s little and Peppa can’t catch them and gets upset. Chloé suggests a grown up game, Sly Fox, but Peppa doesn’t like that game either. Peppa suggests that they play her favourite game, jumping in muddy puddles, but Chloé says she’s too grown up for that, so Peppa agrees too. Secretly Peppa loves jumping in muddy puddles, but she wants to look grown up. Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig join George jumping in muddy puddles. Chloé and Peppa see what fun they are having and join them!
Cousins, Grown Ups, Siblings, Games
George Pig, Peppa Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Auntie Pig, Chloé Pig
Episode 29: Pancakes
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
It’s tea time and Mummy Pig has a surprise for everyone… pancakes! Peppa and George help Mummy Pig make the batter for the pancakes. Mummy Pig cooks pancakes for George, Peppa and herself and flips them perfectly, but Daddy Pig thinks she should flip them higher. Daddy Pig cooks his pancake and when he flips it, the pancake lands on the ceiling. Daddy can’t reach his pancake, but Mummy Pig goes upstairs with the children and jumps up and down and the pancake falls off the ceiling. Daddy can now eat his pancake… delicious!
Cooking, Pancakes, Flipping
Mummy Pig, George Pig, Peppa Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 30: Babysitting
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig are going out for the evening and Granny and Grandpa Pig are babysitting Peppa and George. Peppa and George jump into their beds and say goodnight to Mummy and Daddy. Granny and Grandpa Pig are impressed with how well behaved Peppa and George are. Up in the bedroom, Peppa and George are out of bed playing. Granny and Grandpa Pig hear the noise and go upstairs to check, but Peppa and George quickly go back to bed and pretend to sleep. Back downstairs, Granny and Grandpa are watching television when Peppa and George come and declare that they are too excited to sleep and want to watch TV too. Peppa and George are playing games with Granny and Grandpa Pig. When Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig arrive back home, they find Granny, Grandpa, Peppa and George have all fallen asleep on the sofa.
Babysitting, Grandparents, Bedtime
Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig
Episode 31: Ballet Lesson
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Peppa is dressed in her tutu and is going to her first ballet lesson. Madame Gazelle is the ballet teacher and all Peppa’s friends are there too – Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony. Madame Gazelle teaches the children demi-plié and a little jump, petit jeté, with grace and beauty. They imagine they are all beautiful swans. Peppa loves dancing. It’s time to go home and Peppa shows Daddy, Mummy and George how to do ballet. Daddy Pig tells Peppa that he and Mummy used to be quite good at ballet and demonstrates the pas de deux, but Mummy Pig falls on top of Daddy Pig and everyone laughs.
Ballet, Dancing, Learning
Peppa Pig, Mummy Pig, Madame Gazelle, Pedro Pony, Danny Dog, Candy Cat, Rebecca Rabbit, Suzy Sheep, Mrs Sheep, Mrs Rabbit, Daddy Pig, George Pig
Episode 32: Thunderstorm
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Peppa and George are enjoying a picnic on a lovely sunny day with Dinosaur and Teddy, drinking juice and eating cookies. Suddenly they hear a loud sound of thunder and Mummy Pig calls them to come inside the house as a thunderstorm is on it’s way. Peppa accidently leaves Teddy behind. When they’re inside Peppa realises she has left Teddy in the garden. The sky is dark and it’s about to rain, but Daddy Pig is going to rescue Teddy. Daddy Pig finds Teddy and suddenly it starts to rain. Daddy Pig returns to the house with Teddy and they are both soaking wet, but Mummy Pig, Peppa and George dry them off. Suddenly rain drops from the ceiling and the roof is leaking. Daddy Pig gets a bucket to catch the drips. Peppa and George are frightened by a loud bang of thunder, but Daddy Pig resassures them and Mummy Pig suggests they count better each flash of lightning and thunder bang to determine how far away the thunderstorm is. The thunderstorm is over and has filled the garden with lots of muddy puddles. Everyone enjoys jumping up and down in muddy puddles!
Manners, Picnic, Role Play, Playtime, Thunder, Storms, Fear
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 33: Cleaning the Car
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Daddy Pig is taking the family for a drive in the country, but the car is very messy. Mummy Pig declares that they must clean the car before they go for a drive. Daddy Pig and the family wash the car with warm soapy water. George accidently drops his sponge in a muddy puddles and makes the car muddy again. Peppa tries to help and throws the muddy water on the car and makes the car even more dirty. Daddy Pig suggest they use the garden hose to clean it off and Peppa is going to hold the hose, but she accidently sprays water over everyone. Everyone is wet, but the car is now clean. Daddy Pig polishes the car so well, he can see his face in it. Now everybody is ready to go for a drive. The family sets off on their drive and Mummy Pig drives through a muddy puddle, making the car all messy again. Naughty messy Mummy!
Cleaning, Mess, Water, Cars
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 34: Lunch
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Peppa and the family have come to Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig’s house for lunch. Granny Pig asks Peppa and George to pick some vegetables from the garden for lunch. Grandpa Pig is working in the vegetable garden. They pick some tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber, but George doesn’t like any of the vegetables. Granny Pig prepares the vegetables into a salad for lunch. Lunch is ready and Granny Pig has made pizza to go with the salad for lunch. George eats all the pizza, but leaves the salad. Everyone tries to get George to eat the vegetables, but he won’t try them and cries. Grandpa Pig makes a dinosaur out of the vegetables. George loves dinosaurs and eats all his salad. George declares he is too full for anymore salad, but when Granny brings out the chocolate cake George gets his appetite back!
Food, Healthy Eating, Lunch
Granny Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Grandpa Pig
Episode 35: Camping
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and her family are going camping. Daddy Pig puts up the tent with Mummy Pig’s help. Peppa and George help to collect sticks for the campfire. Daddy Pig rubs sticks together to light the campfire. Mummy Pig starts cooking the tomato soup on the campfire. It’s now nighttime and Peppa and George can hear crickets and an owl. Everyone enjoys their tomato soup. It’s bed time and everyone fits inside the little tent except for Daddy Pig, he sleeps outside under the stars. It begins to rain and Daddy Pig gets wet. It’s morning and the family can’t find Daddy Pig. Peppa hears snoring and it’s coming from the car, Daddy Pig slept in the car. Daddy Pig loves camping!
Camping, Outdoors
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig
Episode 36: The Sleepy Princess
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
It’s nighttime and Peppa and George are going to bed. Peppa isn’t sleepy and would like to hear a story. Daddy Pig begins to tell the story of The Sleepy Princess. Once upon a time in a castle there lived a little princess that lived with the small Prince, Queen Mummy and King Daddy. Outside the castle lived a huge dinosaur. When the sun set and stars and moon came out, everyone got very sleepy, but the most sleepy was the sleepy princess. Daddy has finished the story and Peppa and George are sound asleep.
Bedtime, Stories, Princess
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 37: The Tree House
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George are visiting Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig. They all must take off their muddy boots before they come inside. Granny shows Peppa and George little curtains and Granny and Grandpa Pig have a surprise for them in the garden. In the garden, Grandpa Pig has built a tree house and Granny Pig hangs the little curtains inside. Peppa and George love their tree house. Peppa and George go inside, but first they must take off their muddy boots. Mummy and Daddy Pig can visit inside the tree house too with the secret words ‘Daddy’s Big Tummy’. Peppa loves the tree house so much she never wants to leave. Granny Pig says the her and Grandpa Pig will have to eat her homemade cookies all on their own. Peppa changes her mind and they all go to Granny’s for cookies with the secret words of course.
Rules, Manners, Tree House, Secret Words
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig
Episode 38: Fancy Dress Party
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George are having a fancy dress party and all their friends are invited. Peppa is dressed as a fairy princess and George is dressed as a dinosaur. Peppa’s friends have arrived – Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony. Suzy Sheep is dressed as a nurse, Danny Dog is a pirate, Candy Cat is a witch, Pedro Pony is a clown and Rebecca Rabbit is a carrot. It’s time to decide who has the best costume and Peppa thinks everyone’s costume is very good and the winner is herself. Mummy Pig says she has to pick someone else and Peppa chooses Rebecca Rabbit’s carrot costume.
Dress Ups, Fancy Dress, Parties, Friends
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mrs Sheep, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Candy Cat, Rebecca Rabbit, Pedro Pony
Episode 39: The Museum
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and the family are going to the museum. They all get their tickets to enter the museum off Miss Rabbit. Peppa is excited to see the room of things that belonged to kings and queens long ago. Peppa sees the queen’s throne, dress and golden crown. Peppa imagines being a Queen and eating all the cake she wanted! George is excited to see the bones of a real dinosaur. George imagines being a real dinosaur and chasing Peppa. Peppa’s family has cake in Daddy’s favourite room, the museum cafe!
Museum, Learning, Imagination
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Miss Rabbit
Episode 40: Very Hot Day
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
The sun is shining and it’s a very hot day. Peppa and George are wearing their boots and ready to jump in muddy puddles, but the sun is so hot that the puddles have dried up. Mummy Pig suggests they play in the paddling pool instead, so everyone changes into their swimming costumes. Mummy Pig gives suncream to Peppa, George and Daddy Pig. Daddy Pig pumps up the paddling pool and Peppa fills it with water. Peppa and George love their paddling pool. Miss Rabbit is selling icecream and the Mummy Pig, Peppa and George go and get ice cream together. Miss Rabbit has a special dinosaur ice lolly for George, but he loves it so much, he doesn’t want to eat it. George’s ice lolly melts and falls on the ground, so Mummy Pig’s gives Daddy’s icecream to George. When they return Daddy has fallen asleep and looks hot, so Peppa suggests they tip water on him to cool him down. Daddy Pig wakes up there are now puddles on the ground from all the water. Peppa and George go and get their boots to jump up and down in puddles together.
Swimming, Sunscreen, Icecream
Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Miss Rabbit
Episode 41: Chloé’s Puppet Show
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Peppa’s family are visiting Uncle Pig, Aunty Pig and cousin Chloé. On the drive over in the car, Daddy Pig says that Uncle Pig always eats too much and falls asleep and snores loudly, but Mummy Pig chides him for saying such things. When they arrive Chloé takes Peppa and George inside to show them her new puppet theater. Chloé has made a Chloé Pig puppet and a Daddy Pig puppet. Peppa and George want to make puppets too. Peppa makes a Peppa Pig puppet and Chloé makes George a dinosaur puppet. It’s lunchtime and Aunty Pig has made spaghetti for lunch. Chloé, Peppa and George perform a puppet show after lunch. In the puppet show Peppa repeats was Daddy Pig said in the car, but neither Daddy Pig or Uncle Pig heard as they have both fallen asleep during the puppet show!
Family, Puppets
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Uncle Pig, Anty Pig, Chloé Pig
Episode 42: Daddy Gets Fit
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Mummy Pig watches a fitness program on television with Peppa and George, when Daddy Pig comes in. Daddy Pig declares he doesn’t need to exercise as he’s naturally fit, but Peppa disagrees. Peppa gets Daddy to touch his toes, but he can’t. Daddy thinks that maybe he should try and do some exercise and makes Peppa in charge of getting him fit. Peppa instructs Daddy to do 100 press-ups. Mummy Pig, Peppa and George make lunch in the kitchen while Daddy is exercising. Peppa goes to check on Daddy Pig and he’s lying on the couch pretending to do the press-ups. Mummy Pig brings in the exercise bike for Daddy, but it’s too noisy when he watches TV. Peppa offers him her bicycle that he tries and crashes, landing in the duck pond. When Daddy Pig gets home he announces that he’s finished exercising for today, but Mummy Pig says he’ll have to exercise tomorrow and Peppa is happy to help!
Exercise, Health, Fitness
Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 43: Tidying Up
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George are in the bedroom playing with their toys. Peppa wants to play Dollies and Dinosaurs and George agrees. They are having lots of fun and making lots of noise, when Daddy Pig comes upstairs to investigate what they’re doing. Daddy Pig stands on a toy car and trips over. When Mummy Pig comes upstairs she sees the mess on the floor and says they need to tidy up. They decide to have a race to see who can tidy up first. Daddy Pig is helping George and Mummy Pig is helping Peppa tidy up their room. Daddy Pig gets distracted and reads a dinosaur popup book to George. Peppa and Daddy Pig put the last toys in the toy box together. Everyone wins and the room is tidy. Now Peppa and George can continue playing their game, but dolly and dinosaur are in the bottom of the toy box and the room is quickly untidy again.
Bedroom, Playtime, Cleaning
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig
Episode 44: The Playground
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Peppa and George are at the playground with their friends. Candy Cat and Pedro Pony are on the climbing frame. Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog and Rebecca Rabbit are playing on the slide. Peppa is playing on the swing and asks Mummy is push her realy high. George wants to play on the swing and Peppa wants to push him, but she’s pushed him too high and he starts to cry. George is scared of heights. Peppa and George go and play on the climbing frame where Suzy Sheep and Danny Dog are playing. Peppa shows them how to swing across by getting inside the tyre, but she gets stuck. Peppa’s friends are helping to free her. George wants to play on the climbing frame, but it’s too high for him and he gets scared. Peppa and her friends play on the slide and George wants to too, but when he gets to the top, he’s scared. Daddy Pig slides down with him, but get’s stuck in the middle of the slide. Peppa and her friends push him down the slide and they all bounce onto Daddy Pig’s tummy. George loves bouncing on Daddy Pig’s tummy and isn’t afraid of height anymore!
Playtime, Apology, Fear of Heights
Candy Cat, Mrs Cat, Pedro Pony, Mrs. Pony, Rebecca Rabbit, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Mrs Dog, Grandad Dog, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Mrs Sheep, Mrs Rabbit
Episode 45: Daddy Puts up a Picture
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Neville Astley & Mark Baker
Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig have a new picture of Peppa and George and Mummy wants to put it on the wall. Daddy Pig is going to take care of it while Mummy Pig goes to visit Granny and Grandpa Pig. Daddy Pig gets his toolbox and finds a tape measure and pencil to mark where he’s going to put the nail. Daddy Pig hammers the nail into the wall and has made a big crack in the wall. Daddy Pig tries to hide the crack in the wall with the picture. He decides it’s best to take the nail out and fill in the crack, but taking out the nail makes a huge hole in the wall. Daddy Pig has to mend the wall before Mummy Pig comes home. He fills the hole with bricks, puts plaster over the bricks and paints the wall. The wall is fixed but there’s mess everywhere.
Daddy Pig quickly washes Peppa and George and then Peppa vacuums the floor while Daddy tidies up the tools. Mummy Pig arrives home and they pretend nothing has happened. In all the excitement, Daddy Pig forgot to put the picture up. Mummy Pig hammers a nail into the wall and the picture is up.Themes:
Work, Secrets
Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig
Episode 46: At the Beach
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Peppa and her family are going to the beach. Peppa and George love going to the beach. They have brought a sun shade, beach bag, towels, buckets and spades and a spotted ball. Mummy Pig puts suncream on Peppa and George before they start playing. Peppa and George play a game of ball, but George gets upset when he can’t catch the ball. Peppa and George are going to have a paddle in the sea and Daddy Pig helps them put their water wings on. Everyone splashes about in the sea. Peppa and George play in the sand with their buckets and spades and bury Daddy Pig in the sand. Peppa and George make sandcastles. It’s time to go home and Mummy Pig, Peppa amd George check that they haven’t forgotten anything. George remembers that they forgot Daddy Pig buried in the sand!
Beach, Sun Protection, Manners
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig
Episode 47: Mister Skinnylegs
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Alison Snowden
Peppa is playing with her dolls house and George is playing too. Peppa is making a tea party for the doll family and asks George to fill the teapot with water. George finds a spider in the sink and likes the spider. George brings the spider into the bedroom and puts it to bed in Peppa’s dollhouse. Peppa sees the spider and screams, running downstairs for Daddy Pig to help. Daddy Pig sees how big the spider is and fetches Mummy Pig for assistance. Peppa becomes braver and says hello to Mister Skinnylegs and she isn’t afraid of the spider anymore. Peppa announces that they are all going to have tea with Mister Skinnylegs.
Playtime, Siblings, Fear
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig
Episode 48: Grandpa Pig’s Boat
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Granny Pig and Grandpa Pig are taking Peppa and George out for a day on the river. When Peppa and George are on Grandpa Pig’s boat they must wear lifejackets. Grandpa Pig is captain of the boat and gives out the orders. George raises the flag, Peppa rings the bell and Granny takes the wheel. They spot another boat on the river with Granddad Dog and Danny Dog. Grandpa Pig and Granddad Dog declare a race to the bridge. Grandpa Pig’s boat is the quickest to get to the bridge, but has run out of petrol and won’t be able to get home. Granddad Dog agrees to tow Grandpa Pig’s boat home.
Boats, Races
Grandpa Pig, Granny Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Granddad Dog, Danny Dog
Episode 49: Shopping
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Sarah Ann Kennedy
Peppa and George are going shopping. George loves sitting in the trolley and so does Peppa, but she is too big for the trolley. Mummy Pig has just tomatoes, spaghetti, onions and fruit on their shopping list and Peppa wants to find it all. Peppa and George love shopping. Peppa finds the tomatoes, spaghetti and onions and put them in the trolley. It’s George’s job to choose the fruit and he chooses a melon. Miss Rabbit puts all the items through the checkout, but there’s something extra, chocolate cake! It wasn’t Peppa or George that put the chocolate cake in the trolley. Daddy Pig did it!
Shopping, Lists
Daddy Pig, Mummy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Miss Rabbit
Episode 50: My Birthday Party
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
It’s Peppa’s birthday! It’s very early in the morning and Peppa is up and excited about her party. Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig and George give Peppa her birthday present, it’s a doll’s dress and she puts it on Teddy. The doorbell chimes and Peppa’s friends have arrived – Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit and Pedro Pony. The party is starting and Daddy Pig is performing a magic show. Mummy Pig brings out a birthday cake for Peppa. Hooray! Happy Birthday Peppa!
Birthday, Presents, Friends, Magic Show
Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig, Daddy Pig, Candy Cat, Suzy Sheep, Danny Dog, Rebecca Rabbit, Pedro Pony
Episode 51: Daddy’s Movie Camera
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Mr Zebra, the postman, is delivering a parcel for Daddy Pig to the house. It’s a movie camera so they make movies with it and watch them on the television. Daddy Pig films Peppa and they watch the movie on the television and laugh. Mummy Pig, Peppa and George make a secret movie while Daddy Pig waits in the kitchen. When they’re finished, they all have lots of fun and laughter watching the movies together.
Surprises, Recording Movies
Mr Zebra, Daddy Pig, Peppa Pig, George Pig, Mummy Pig
Episode 52: School Play
Produced by Phil Davies
Created and directed by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Written by Mark Baker & Neville Astley
Peppa’s playgroup are putting on a play, The Little Red Riding Hood. All the children have parts in the play and have to practise at home. Peppa is going to be Little Red Riding Hood. Mummy Pig has made her costume and Daddy Pig helps Peppa practise. Danny Dog is playing the Big Bad Wolf. Granddad Dog and Mummy Dog are helping Danny practise. Pedro Pony is playing the hunter and will rescue Peppa from the Big Bad Wolf. Rebecca Rabbit is going to be the Grandma. Everyone has come to see the school play.
Play, Performing, Friends
Madame Gazelle, George Pig, Peppa Pig, Pedro Pony, Rebecca Rabbit, Danny Dog, Suzy Sheep, Candy Cat, Granddad Dog, Mrs Dog, Mrs Pony, Mrs Rabbit, Granny Pig, Grandpa Pig, Mrs Sheep, Mrs Cat
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